Google Ranking Factors

Which factors are more closely related to higher search rankings? We analyzed 300K results to find out.
Discover the Top Factors Now


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Factors we analyzed

Content Metrics

Content factors including quality, relevance, and readability

Backlink Factors

Backlink profiles of top-ranking pages and websites

On-SERP Factors

Page elements as they appeared in search results

User Signals

Metrics related to user behavior: direct and branded traffic, bounce rate, and time on site

URLs and Domains

Page-specific and domain-wide signals related to technical set-up and search performance

User Experience

Metrics related to page speed and interactivity, including lab and field data

“Our goal is to show that SEO is not just about search generative experience, and that reverse engineering what makes a good ranking is still a core part of SEO.”

Marcus Tober

SVP Enterprise Solutions at Semrush

“ I love how I am able to efficiently crawl and audit sites. The software is advanced and amazing at helping digital marketers find site issues and fix them. There are tons of features that help you optimize web content and Semrush customer service is very helpful.”

Stephanie Marie Delgado

Top-Rated Content Strategist, Upwork Global Inc.

“ I love how I am able to efficiently crawl and audit sites. The software is advanced and amazing at helping digital marketers find site issues and fix them. There are tons of features that help you optimize web content and Semrush customer service is very helpful.”

Stephanie Marie Delgado

Top-Rated Content Strategist, Upwork Global Inc.

“ I love how I am able to efficiently crawl and audit sites. The software is advanced and amazing at helping digital marketers find site issues and fix them. There are tons of features that help you optimize web content and Semrush customer service is very helpful.”

Stephanie Marie Delgado

Top-Rated Content Strategist, Upwork Global Inc.

“ I love how I am able to efficiently crawl and audit sites. The software is advanced and amazing at helping digital marketers find site issues and fix them. There are tons of features that help you optimize web content and Semrush customer service is very helpful.”

Stephanie Marie Delgado

Top-Rated Content Strategist, Upwork Global Inc.

Discover all the factors we analyzed now